Thursday, May 19, 2011

Digital Diary

When you google "Fiji," you get results like this. And while there ARE scenes like this in Fiji, I wanted to show what it was like to see Fiji as someone who wasn't super wealthy.

Images that didn't make the cut

This picture would have been perfect for showing local life, but we were driving while taking some of these, and this one didn't focus well.
I wanted to use this image because I liked the idea of an American company being translated into another culture, but it really didn't fit.
This image of the capitol made it seem larger than it was, and did not show how it was out shined by the roads and traffic that passed by.
I wanted to use this image to show how high class Natadola was, but the main focus of this picture was supposed to be the horse. Unfortunately, when I was able to examine the picture, the horse wasn't sharp, and took up too small a space.

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